Songwriting by Manna
Now open my hands that I was clasping lower the burden.
Oh Lord, I will give to you this emotion.
All my anger, all my hurt,all my sadness,all my disappointment,
All my frustration, all my depression,
all my hatred,All my shame
The Fear of a person, all the fear of something,
Oh Lord,I renounce all the negative emotion.
Lord, I choose today.
Give to you all.
Lord, I have [ negativceemotion ]toward
[ name of person or someting ].
Oh Lord, I forgive what he did.
I forgive what he said.
Oh Lord, I choose today to give to you.
I forgive what she did.
I forgive what she said.
I choose today to give to you.
Oh Lord, I forgive in your name.
I bless him.
I bless her.
in your name.
Now, gather all this in my mind
and give it to the Lord.
I choose today.
Give to you all.
In your name.
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